
Choosing the right products for your business can be a complex and confusing issue. We have made the decision simple. We have chosen the best and proven products used throughout the medical industry.

ABC Sterilizers supply various brands and models of autoclaves plus a range of complementary products.
Please contact us for a price. Offers bench to and free standing autoclaves from 6 litres up to 100 litres in chamber volume. We have units to suit all styles of practice.

ABC Sterilisers also have a comprehensive range of autoclave consumables


Of the two companies we represent, Aqualife and Rotek, we refer to their expertise in slightly different areas.

The Aqualife ROP5 is the preferred R.O. water filtration system used by a countless number of practices across Australia. The R.O. P5 is a Reverse Ozmosis water filtration system designed to be located under a bench to provide high quality water suitable for steam sterilisation.

Rotek’s speciality is for a whole building solution. If the town water supply to your practice is poor or you simply want to generally filter the building water supply then a filtration manufactured to suit your needs is where Rotek is required.

In combination, a building solution and a R.O. system solution will cover all your filtered need for any size practice.


Save time and money with machine preparation. Protect you and your team from infection and ensure the quality of your preparation using MELAtherm. A newly developed and innovative product of the highest quality..


sterliser range

water purifier range

hygeine systems