Big on the inside. Small on the outside. Special all round.
The powerhouse with a chamber volume of 5 liters is a compact class B autoclave that achieves great things: Because with a device width of just 30 cm, the fastest autoclave in its class fits into any reprocessing line: Either as a supplement to your practice autoclave for lightning-fast sterilization between treatments or as a stand-alone device for lower instrument volumes.
What does this mean in concrete terms? More productivity. More flexibility. More time for your patients. And all this with 60% less space required compared to a conventional autoclave.
With Vacuclave 305, you can speed up your workflow: from sterilization to drying and release. You benefit from the patented DRYtelligence for optimum drying results and ProControl for batch release, user authentication and label printing with MELAprint 80 directly on the display.
This allows you to design your processes with maximum flexibility, efficiency and legal certainty in the smallest possible space.
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